Adam Sapphire neo knights of hope

Seven years had passed since the birth of the blue star.
Civil war between the Knights of Hope and the Necronoymous had ravaged New Earth.
The war had been shifting in favor of James' army as his knights cut down countless necromancers and their undead minions, but the tides of battle had shifted suddenly as a new army of demon warriors under the command of Lucy Cypher arrived from space to aid the Necronoymous.
The knights of the Seven Kingdoms of Neo Valhalla and their allies were outnumbered a thousand to one, but they still refused to give up hope.
Buried beneath the frost, angels tossed down from the sky.
Lay down your sword, renounce your lord, pledge allegiance to the demon horde.
We grope the skies for that blue star even if we never make it that far.
We held out hope against all odds, we had the gods on our side.
James sought out his old friend, Adam Sapphire.
The legendary wizard who traded his immortality to save the multiverse seven years earlier.
Shortly after felling the resurrected half-demon Naberius who had been brought back to life by the necromancer known as Ezekiel Black Adam had gone into seclusion at Southwind Tower, overlooking the great divide, the massive rift that nearly split Earth in two 10, 000 years ago.
Adam had been content to live out the rest of his days alone in that tower.
James' prayed that his old friend would come to his senses and return to the battle.
They told us Earth was lost and that the cost was far too high.
Lay down your sword, renounce your lord, pledge allegiance to the demon horde.
We grope the skies for that blue star even if we never make it that far.
We held out hope against all odds, we had the gods on our side.
James traveled to Southwind Tower along with his two daughters,
Terra and Halley, and his niece and nephew Princess Luna the ice witch and Prince Sol the pyromancer.
After a lengthy philosophical discussion they convinced Adam to once again take up his sword.
Oblivion Godsbane, a spell-forged blade crafted for him on the Astral Plane.
even the most powerful magic could not heal the wounds Godsbane inflicted.
Adam returned Sapphire Edge to James Hope.
since it was his birthright.
and entrusted the great white wizard's twin swords Heaven's Gate and Death's Sweet embrace to Luna and Sol.
Buried beneath the frost, angels tossed down from the sky.
Lay down your sword, renounce your lord, pledge allegiance to the demon horde.
We grope the skies for that blue star even if we never make it that far.
We held out hope against all odds, we had the gods on our side.