Adi Smolar na cesti nikdar nisi sam

Adi Smolar
On the Road You're Never Alone
Through villages and valleys,
in the middle of cities and everywhere
white roads wind
that overflow they are children.
When they rush to kindergarten, to school,
when they are in a hurry to get home,
watch out, watch out, every driver
for these tiny people.
Because the little heads are taken
by life and dreams,
they forget all the advice,
walk to the other side. a cry that is deafening.
May never, never people,
never let this happen again.
May the mornings be kind,
may each new day be safe,
let's always be aware:
You are never alone on the road.
Together we will all be careful,
all this is in our power,
heard on the roads
will always be only children's laughter.
In villages and valleys,
in the middle of cities and everywhere in general
white roads wind,
were full of children.
br/>When we hurry to kindergarten, to school,
when we are in a hurry to get home,
watch, watch, every driver
at us, at the little people.
Yes kind there will be mornings
so that every new day will be safe,
let us always be aware:
You are never alone on the road.
Together we will all be careful,
all this in our there are many,
but heard on the way
there will always be only children's laughter.
That the mornings will be kind,
That each new day will be safe,< br/>let's always be aware:
You are never alone on the road.
Together we will all be careful,
all this is in our power,
he heard on the paths
there will always be only children's laughter.
And I heard on the paths
there will always be only children's laughter.