Adi Smolar na svet se pa vrti

He drank and conquered women,
he now lies quietly in the grave,
he will give his body to the earth
and soon he will be just a pile of bones.
Now he doesn't care,
what about they say to him,
all is forgiven for the dead,
there are only tears left.
Our world is spinning,
are you or these it is not,
always one is above
and the other is underground.
Our world is spinning,
whether you are there or not,
always one above so
and others underground.
He loved to play and sing,
in the grave he now lies quietly,
his instrument will sing alone,
for soon there will be only a heap bones.
Now he doesn't care
what they say about him,
all is forgiven for the dead,
there are only tears left for them.
Our ¡ the world is spinning,
whether you are there or not,
some are always above
and others are underground.
Our world is spinning,
one is always above
and the other is underground. br/>I say to myself: life is beautiful,
and I regret it every hour!
When I die, it won't matter,
what someone will say about me,
a I hope he will say honestly:
No was and it comes živet is pa knew!
Our world is spinning,
whether you are there or not,
some are always above
and others are underground.
Our world but it spins,
è whether you are there or not,
some are always above
and others are underground.
Our world spins,
à Whether you're here or not,
some are always above
and others are underground.