Adi Smolar radi se imejte

It started with I give it to you,
the whole family went crazy.
I still get goosebumps today
because we spent like lightning.
We were sure the prize would be:
there are so many of them that at least everyone gets something!
Well, it's not a good thing, it's not a good thing
and we started with a litany:
We're not good, but what now,
mother says: God bless you,
father shouts: ¡¡vajneraj,
well, we have been robbed again!
The woman moans, I moan,
the youth cries out loud,
If anyone saw us, they would think
that we have all gone mad,
We have all gone mad,
that we have all gone mad.
Who give, nè it is get,
we are angry at our mistake,
se such games nè veè it is we will Yes,
and we threw ourselves into the Lotto.
Where there is a number, put a cross
but we crossed everything according to the list
It's only seven days, as you want ,
but sometimes on the same note
We didn't get it, what now,
mother says: God bless you,
father shouts: Å¡vajneraj,
no , and we ran away again!
A woman moans, I moan,
the youth cries out loud,
If anyone sees us, they will think
that we have all gone mad,
that we all went crazy,
that we all went crazy.
We bought Espresso lottery tickets,
for a good kilo a month,
we threw them away without winning ,
so it soon passed us by.
We warmed up for sports bets,
we wondered who would beat whom.
We will no longer trust fusballers,
there's always an outsider to win! again!
A woman moans, I moan,
the youth cries at the top of their voices,
If anyone saw us, they would think
we had all gone mad,
that we've all gone mad,
We've all gone mad.
Now we play 3x3
and we're lucky to have a cockerel,
our world revolves around the lines,
it's hotter when we draw!
No one whines, no one crouches
when others are filling up garages,
we'll get millions,
good luck he always shows us the fig! !
A woman moans, I moan,
the youth cries at the top of their voices,
If anyone saw us, they would think
that we have all gone mad,
that we've all gone crazy,
that we've all gone crazy.
Of course, it's not like that with us,
I thought everything up so I could
in the end tell you this,
and you keep telling me.
If you've never been good,
listen to what's right for you Smolar,
Happiness doesn't bring money,
just have fun !
Just love each other!
Just love each other!