Adi Smolar zabava za dva

Adi Smolar
Party for Two
Two glasses,
two lit cigarettes,
two looks
trying to penetrate
and two hands are persistently hunting,
a single thought
is no longer hidden.
A full ashtray,
an empty bottle,
a bunch of words, lies,
then there's truth
and promises for kisses
and smiles...
A party for two
usually ends
two bodies wake up from a stupor.< br/>A party for two
this is how it ends:
everything that night gave,
morning takes it back...
A party for two.
A full ashtray,
an empty bottle,
lots of words, lies,
then there is truth
and promises for kisses
and smiles...
Fun for two
it usually ends
two bodies wake up from a stupor.
Party for two
this is how it ends:
everything the night gave,
morning takes you again...
Party for two.
Party for two
usually ends
two bodies wake up from a stupor.
Party for two
this is how it ends:
everything that night gave,
morning takes it back...
Party for two.
Party for two .