Adjective monstrous little boy

It seems that we are now one
And so, we are none
Monstrous little boy.
It seems you were not wrong.
Now you'd best be gone
Monstrous little boy.
Blurring my focus
Should everybody be here,
Reading my thoughts?
You'll surely tell me...
Wait, foul public
Your light shines so bright,
Shines so bright
Ranked public, your light shines so bright
So bright
So look on me in shame
Use your mirror wise
Fears will come and go,
But you'll epitomize
The collapsing of the World,
The collapsing of a day,
And you will surely tell me that
You like it this way.
You like it this way
You like it this way
You're a waste of space,
Unlike many people.
You're a waste of space,
Just like many people.