Admiral T grand manitou

My name is T, Admiral T
Like Scrabble A D M I R A L aka Christy Campbell
Never back down, whether with others or alone
Like the latest Apple I-Mac , never back down
In the face of problems, difficulties
Hold on like tentacles
Never back down
Like the blood that flows through your veins
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
Solid as Levi's jeans
With him by my side I fear nothing and no one
No need to go to Church to confide in him
Not from a third person
I prefer trust to treachery
On the other hand ¨fervently dealing with the devil himself
Faithful despite everything they say
It is God who guides me who protects my person
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies everywhere, el numero uno
Whether it rains, hails or snows
The Almighty protects me, allows me to avoid traps
Gives me bread for breakfast and it alleviates my suffering
Breaks spells like Snow White
Whether you're white, black or beige, he knows what you're doing
Don't try to overtake him, you'll always get caught
It's up there that he sits, but still among us
It's time for the chorus so I'll cut it short
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
I feel strong like Hercules dawn to dusk
When the enemy pushes me, I never topple
Without taking a pill, my strength surges like the Hulk
Without taking a pill , my strength swarms like the Hulk
My strength comes from the highest, from the great manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno
My strength comes from the highest, of the big manitou
He accompanies me everywhere, el numero uno