Adora Vivos toward the empyrean

As silence falls the cadence fades
Words so vile escape on wings born of tongues
Infecting the mind of the shattered soul
Evoking the frailty of ignorance
Setting ablaze the serenity unspoken word
Had long entombed in silent litany
A facade of calm amidst the agony
Spiraling back to the start of this depravity
To rest in the solace, the arms of despair
Amidst the idle agreement of false peace
Or face the flames of adversity
To accept the wisdom of scathing tongues
For am I failure, the collapsing icon of loss
For am I one with the bleak aethyr of nothingness
Facile to yield to despair, the arms of tragedy
Yet to what end shall I resign to agony
And with every step I take
Forsaking the path of a life forlorn
Ascending the torment of the mind
Forging onward toward the Empyrean
Shadows of a past life
Drenched in black aethyr
Frozen in this coldness
The strength to conquer my despair
Flames of hatred rising
Awakens the struggle to survive
The will to recreate life
The lure of nihilism endures
In this moment, the failure of life and desire must be cast aside
Exhausted, the final escape, this shell must depart in the flames of resurrection
To the iron grip of solitude, I succumb, suffocate and thus transcend
And wrest vitality from the cold hand of the dying soul
Resolve to defy the chaos within
The frail ideologies of this world
For the mind is one's own, I am subject to none
Save for those inflicted upon myself
For every memory consumed in flame
For every moment of life's past, inhumed in dusk
These ashen remains, I cast unto the wind
Resolve to embrace the fear and rise again
And with every step I take
Forsaking the path of a life forlorn
Ascending the torment of the mind
Forging onward toward the Empyrean
Imposing walls within the mind, dull and glazed were these lightless, apathetic eyes
Weathered by the shame of this unending storm, I lit the flames of hate just to feel alive again
For shall I bend to another's will, embrace the fate given me?
Or hold their lives in a steadfast grasp, rise from these ashes and erase all despair
Lost was I upon this path of negativity
An awakening of the soul, from death to life again
A promise of a new beginning, and to transcend
Through dark and light I walked these roads and found serenity
And a peace that no one truly knows
Acceptance and negation of this mortal coil