Adrina Thorpe impossible dream

flawed I am and flawed I will remain
broken since the day the package opened
yearn with tattered wings to try to fly
ache to find the strength to say goodbye to this
impossible dream. impossible dream
promises everything. everything.
and the sirens they sing, the sirens they sing
this impossible dream. impossible dream.
can I keep each step upon this wire?
run so fast that I can regain time, oh...
gather in my arms the things I lack?
overflowing, falling I can't take them back to this
impossible dream. impossible dream
promises everything. everything.
and the sirens they sing, the sirens they sing
this impossible dream. impossible dream.
I can't keep the colors in the lines.
break me from this maze of twisted lies.
oh this impossible dream. impossible dream
promises everything. everything.
and the sirens they sing, the sirens they sing
this impossible dream. impossible dream.
this impossible dream...