Agathodaimon hllenfahrt der selbsterkenntnis

We have the moment, the vital ray
Which still lasts, which, when it goes out
Lets everything fade away...
A shadow in deep darkness.
The stars are extinguished
As the leaves fall in autumn
Gone forever
In the endless waste there is no more movement
In the night of the evil everything falls down
Everything is silent, everything is silent
And the machine of the world returns -
But with you the future passes away
What once was will never be again
We are the past again, without a heart , dreary and cold...
When sleep, worthy of death's brother, rules the world
With closed eyelids and its silent dreams
Time ages around me
Like one old fir tree on a high rock
I wither on my throne
Soon the mighty death
Spread his black cloak over me...
And his wings will carry my breath for eternity
For I am and will always be in the past
Without a soul, sad and cold....
Everything falls, everything is silent
And everything is strange to me...< br/>Here...