Ageless Oblivion glacial blood

Minds adrift, I've gone astray
Blood coursing like shifting plates
Blackened limbs grow rapidly inutile
I walk a buried path into the fray
Lord of the frost lands, drifter of the grey
I walk a buried path into the fray
Beyond contact, beyond salvation
Alone in an unreachable destination
Nothing to offer warmth or direction
Malevolent surroundings
Hostile freezing suffocation
As I go further into this artic void
Perished skin
Through ice destroyed
Of life this wilderness is devoid
Minds adrift, I've gone astray
Blood coursing like shifting plates
Blackened limbs grow rapidly inutile
I walk a buried path into the fray
Beyond contact, beyond salvation
I wander alone with no precise direction
No-one to console my lamentation
It surrounds me
Adverse glacial abomination
Ice starts to preserve my body
Immobile I become
Loneliness acts as a catalyst to aberration
And as the ability to move evades me
My limbs become alike roots in the earth
Like roots in the earth
A burial fit for no man or beast
This body shall nurture not the soils
As the transformation completes
Fragmented in appearance
Parts break away from me
Body tightened
Giving up the fight
Drift into the final sleep
Exhausting astringent winds force my body into paralysis
My track are covered
No-one will know where I rest
Winters embrace
The ice is all I know
As I become the snow