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What bright, cute tears
The rustling of your eyes
In the sun they dry up
And then the night comes back
I hear them laugh
Inside me there's hell
Viola viola l'adevi play
While a ciuri withers
The death bell rings
Pi la me anima compagnÃ
In the garden of pleasure
She rests in eternity...
One, one that rings, one that enters
Who sounds sick and cold
The one that will sound...
At every touch the heart stops
While a heart will wither
With this 'malaritto' sound
He beats in my chest
Silence touches my mother...
Silence now I die
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Translation into Italian
(in the Sicilian vernacular, this word
Indicates the tolling of a dead bell)
What bright tears
They flow from your eyes
In the sun they dry
And at night they start again
I hear them make you laugh
br/>Inside me there is an inferno
Along the path children play
While a flower withers
The death bell rings
For my soul to accompany
In the garden of pleasures
I will rest for eternity
Agony, agony that rings, agony that echoes
What a sick and damp sound
The agony for whom it will ring
At every touch the heart stops
While another flower withers
With this cursed sound
That beats in my chest
In silence it touches me
In silence now I die