Agharti lost

Into pieces your life is shattered
But you should know that you're not alone
I will put you back together
And I will hold on tight to you
I won't let you fall
Won't let you fall
Won't let you fall
You lost yourself so long ago
That I can't see hope on your face
Your smile is hidden now in some safer place
You used to see the light in the dark
Now you're walking with shadows way too fast
And all the help we tried to give you
You pushed away, you threw your life away
I see your empty stare
You speak but I can't get the meaning
I don't know who you are
Why are you turning away from me
Wait, don't push me away
(I will do what I want you can't stop me again
Go away, I don't care just stop annoying me)
Please let me stay
Don't push me away
(I don't care what you say, no hope, no chance for me
You can give me your best and I will give you nothing)
I used to see you walking alone
With your guitar broken, clothes outworn
Your life is senseless, you've lost your point
You pushed me away, you pushed us all away
I left you doors wide open
Please don't close them