Aik Trubaduren derbykungar

Aik Troubadour
Derby kings
We may not win the gold every year
But when it's derby you know how it goes
Skå It's bad to be a Rodent
It's nice to be a Rodent
Because everyone knows who are the derby kings here in town
In Bajen and Djurgå¥ rn' there are twenty-two
Who have never been involved in defeating AIK
It's nice to be a Rodent
It's nice to be a Rodent
F r everyone knows who the derby kings are here in town
Going to Kalmar doesn't require any courage
But if you meet Gnaget, it learns to taste blood
Sk It's bad to be a Rodent
It's nice to be a Rodent
Because everyone knows who are the derby kings here in town
In Bajen and Djurgå¥ rn' the players stand still
The round marks are all they're good for
It's nice to be a Rodent
It's nice to be a Rodent
Because everyone knows who the derby kings are here in town
Some get so scared that they can barely stand
When the players in Gnaget blow on
It's nice to be a Rodent
It's nice to be a Rodent
Because everyone knows who the derby kings are here in town
Yes, everyone knows after all, who are the derby kings here in town
Yes, everyone knows who are the derby kings here in town