Akkolyte viral negativity

Viral negativity now coursing through my veins
And yet so many more accept such isolated pain
Witness this empire summoning its own despair
Too many questions with too few
answers facilitates unwillingness to care.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Is it worth it to believe in such a fucking thing?
Mental decay, a cold depressing winter,
And yet we always anticipate a more glorious spring.
Festering wounds go deeper than blood and skin.
Constantly caught in a shroud of devalued human sin.
Our actions are what ultimately lead to tearing us apart.
This is the decrepitude that lays waste to the imprisoned human heart.
Viral negativity now coursing through my veins
And yet so many more accept such isolated pain
Witness this empire summoning its own despair
Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Is it worth it to believe in such a fucking thing?
Festering wounds go deeper than blood and skin.
Constantly caught in a shroud of devalued human sin.
Our actions are what ultimately lead to tearing us apart.
This is the decrepitude that lays waste to the imprisoned human heart.
Poisoned by life and in turn infatuated with death.
Desperately grasping for air, I choke on each breath.
What is this icon you expect me to fit,
As mental decay ensues bit by bit?
Caught in a whirlwind maze and endless question begging haze.
A full cycle of violence plaguing us 'til the end of our days.
We're taught how to feel and taught how to act
Until the unbearable pressure decides to lash back.
Forbidden fruit is what remains in us all.
The desire to remain as individuals where standards are not so tall.
Forbidden fruit is what remains in us all.
The desire to remain as individuals where standards are not so tall.
Forbidden fruit is what remains in us all.
The desire to remain as individuals where standards are not so tall.
Forbidden fruit is what remains in us all.
The desire to remain as individuals where standards are not so tall.