Alain Bashung lavabo

In the humidity
I hear moaning
I hear screaming
You want to bite
Don't be a dog
Take me out of the mess
It's that or nothing
Bus shelters
Let's knock out
Just to prove yourself
That we're men
Stand in front
Tell me what it is
It's sink
End of the corridor third door on the right
You look for the light and it's a dead end
What would you like that to lead to
Leaving the construction site
Return of everything
Close your locker
Take a shower
Which band do you play in
You're not sure
Learn your playback
Play injuries
Rejoin your base
At the bar tab'
If we're looking for trouble
Do as usual
The boss's daughter
Gotta give it to her
To get her out of there
You know where it is
It's the sink
{in the chorus}
Play Indians
Who will be next
Or cathedral
Choose your weapon
It's sink
{in the Refrain}