Alain Bashung legere eclaircie

Slight lightening on your open neck
Love has made you glow so much, I see myself in it
Ribaude inspired
Chefs-d' unfinished work
Shake shake shake me methodically
Shake shake shake me to the antipodes
Poor caribou dishonored by mad horse
Small cumulus to pour on file
Play my virtue, strive for me
If I am a novice, will you be able to teach me?
Love is easy, love is not true
I still want to remember everything
It's beautiful, it's busy, poor caribou
Slight lightening on your clear neck
Shake shake shake me with method
Shake shake shake me to the antipodes
Dispel this vagueness
Didn't we have an appointment?
There I have foot, there I have no footing
There I have footing, there I have no footing
Slight lightening on your clear neck
The sun passes to the west
br/>Nothing to worry about
The weather for tomorrow will remain uncertain
Love is easy, love is not true
I still want to remember everything
It's beautiful, it 'is busy, poor caribou
Slight thinning on your clear neck
Shake shake shake me methodically
Shake shake me antipodes
Poor caribou dishonored by mad horse
There I have a foothold, there I have no footing Â