Alejandro Fernandez es cosa de hombres

This pain is killing me in the deepest part of my soul. It breaks me in two to bear the fact that I don't have her. In my arms, what happened? ³, it wasn't enough for him
My poor kisses and caresses of my hands
Where will he be?
I wonder if he remembers me
Although in truth
Surely he has erased me from his mind
Seeing it well, I must understand
That it is a man's thing
Feeling defeated
It is a man's thing
Well, as a man of value
You have to hold on
It was a big mistake to try to fall in love
With a woman who has broken my heart
It is a man thing
Accepting that I have been badly hurt
What was the point of loving without being reciprocated?
It is a man thing, crying for a lost love
Dá Where is he going?
What would I give to know if he remembers me
Although in truth
Surely he has erased me from his mind
Looking at it well, I must understand
Which is a man thing
Feeling defeated