Alex Maneval petit j voulais

Little, I wanted to look like? my father
To be big and strong, and to be proud of me
When I was little I wanted to fly like Superman
To split the clouds and meet the stars
It's on that little one,
I didn't see that as life
Tie, suit,
Dopey air, bitterness
Always wanting to look like
Like others
I didn't look like?
What? me
And forgot?
What if sometimes? it hurts
Better to only blame yourself? self
Do not deviate from your ideal
Why not
Take down the stars
A little less small, I wanted to look like? Hendrix
The rebellious guitar, which hypnotizes girls
And then also, being a storyteller
Telling my dreams and captivating attention
That's for sure as a kid,
I didn't see it as life
Weeks, routine,
Weekends where? nothing lights up
Always wanting to be like
Like others
I didn't look like?
What? me
And forgot?
What if sometimes? it hurts
Better to only blame yourself? self
Do not deviate from your ideal
Why not
Take down the stars
And the more I close my eyes
The more I see myself becoming old
A little cautious audacity
Come on, it's not too late
To listen to what the mustard was saying
Finally color my evening
C I'm sure I was little,
I saw it more like life
Right ideals,
Dreamer, a bit crazy
To always want look like
Like others
I didn't look like?
What? me
And forgot?
What if sometimes? it hurts
Better to only blame yourself? self
Do not deviate from your ideal
Why not
Reach the stars
Always want to be like
Like others
What did I look like?
What? me
And forgot?
What if sometimes? it hurts
Better to only blame yourself? self
Do not deviate from your ideal
Why not
Reach the stars