Alexander Acha por el

Vines in your fantasy life
everything is going as well as
you already see it. You lack nothing, you have had everything that a common man would like to have. Suddenly one day you wake up, everything starts to go wrong and you don't know why. Everything was going great
and suddenly your heart started to lose
(I'm here)
someone screamed
(you've already forgotten about me)
You feel a void , a great sadness that you cannot understand; I would like to know.
Nothing encourages you anymore, everything bores you,
your own breathing doesn't taste good to you.
Today you are lost, you feel alone
and you have started to sweat full of anxiety,
you are still in doubt, questions arise
that you cannot answer, who will help you?
(listen to me)
someone spoke
(don't suffer anymore, come closer )
You don't know who you are,
you don't know yourself and you feel afraid
when you go out; You weren't like that.
You look for an escape, desperate; Let him help you get out, that will be yours. You shout for help to everyone and no one comes for you; You can't take it anymore.
And suddenly someone inside you
was able to speak your heart
when you heard it speak.
(Don't cry anymore)
He told you
(I am Jesus, your savior)
You have missed his love
and without it you can do nothing.
You have endured the pain
and now you will see yourself, without pain.
You were not looking for his love and without his love
your pain would end...
Everything is over
Everything has already passed
He is your savior
And now You are going to enjoy and without looking back we are going to walk from here to eternity and you will only reach happiness through it.