Alfa Rococo horribles gens

There are horrible people
Who think they are the masters
There are horrible people
And there are traitors
There are horrible people
Who take themselves seriously
There are horrible people
Who kill in the name of God
There are horrible people
Let us listen stupidly
There are horrible people
Who take advantage of others
There are horrible people
to whom it is never the fault
There are horrible people
Who laugh at the unfortunate
There are horrible people
And there are some worse than them
He there are horrible people
Who we love blindly
There are millions of people
For whom nothing is possible
There are millions of people
Led by horrible people
There are horrible people
There are horrible people
There are horrible people
There are horrible people
There are horrible people
There are scoundrels
There are has horrible people
Perfidious, etc.
There are horrible people
Who make weapons
There are horrible people
Ready to sell their soul
There are horrible people
Let us elect president
There are horrible people
Who think they are the masters
There are horrible people
And there are traitors
There are horrible people
br/>Who take themselves seriously
There are horrible people
Who kill in the name of God
There are horrible people
to whom hand we tend