Alice Lee if we meet again

Meet me in the shade of some old forgotten peach tree
Just as spring begins and the flowers start to bloom
Meet me by the side of the rushing Mississippi
Forget that we met here
In this dark and crowded room
You really know how to talk to a lady
You get her to fall within minutes of meeting
You tell her your secrets and she tells you hers
And some secrets never warrant repeating
We could fall in love
Not now and I'm not sure when
But we could fall in love
If we meet again
I might have a boyfriend and you might have a girlfriend
But that's hardly the point that I'm trying to make
I just think that falling in love
At a bar
Is rarely ever looked at
As more than a mistake
You really know how to get my attention
From the blue in your eyes to the pale of your skin
I've never been honest with someone like this
All of my life
Where have you been
We can't fall in love
Even though you're a perfect ten
Oh we won't fall in love
Unless we meet again
Don't give me your number
I'm not gonna call
I really don't have time for this at all
My man's probably waiting
And I wouldn't want him to know
Why are you hesitating
Grab me by the arm and tell me
Not to go
You really know how to talk to a lady
You got me to smile
That's a hard thing to do
And just for one night at a bar it's okay
That I got myself all wrapped up in you
We could fall in love
But life would be completely different then
We could fall in love
If we were to meet