All Human rogue bee

Put me in a box.
Shake it up.
Paint the walls.
I'm a little bug.
Big fish.
Little pond.
Toss me in the ocean.
Eaten up.
Have a sit.
Don't talk.
Stupid kid.
You're lost.
Find a cliff.
Jump off.
Find a hole.
Get off.
God loves you.
It's written in the sand,
And half erased by the oceans hand.
Would I be safe wrapped in her waves without you?
Or tossed about? I'm upside down without you…
I'm pulled apart by vicious tides without you.
I'm reduced to sand without you.
Dead bird rotting on the shore,
So much to look forward to...
Dear mom,
I know you said to pray.
Instead I think I'll walk into the waves, ok?
Would I be safe wrapped in her waves without you?
Or tossed about? I'm upside down without you…
I'm pulled apart by vicious tides without you.
I'm reduced to sand without you.