Almamegretta tempo

Time, according to the dictionary, is the unlimited succession of facts and human events; that is, the duration of
things, distinct and measured in periods.
if life were a container, it
would contain time; time therefore IS
the unit of measurement of our life.
have you ever tried to ask yourself how
the average Western human being uses time? gets up early, runs straight to work, comes home for dinner, watches TV, goes to bed early, and then starts the cycle again the following morning. everything happens at breakneck speed: rushing in the morning to get to work on time; at work, exhausting rhythms to
produce as much as possible in the shortest
time possible; for lunch, fast food to
gain time.
How much time does he have left for
himself? do we mean time to love,
get to know people, cultivate one's own
interests, in short, to live?
we all know the answer, it is
written in the eyes of all women and
all the men who live in this
part of the world. it's as if we were all locked in a carriage that runs at breakneck speed without a precise destination; its sole purpose is to travel
ever faster, the tracks on which
it runs are the social system in which
we live.
if therefore speed, haste, running
/>are the quintessence of this system,
then we prefer slowness, because
the heart beats at sixty beats per
minute, and no one can go faster
than one's own heart without losing
one's humanity.
Help us stop time,
let's take back our lives, take
time, time, time.