Almeda Riddle bury me beneath the willow

This world so sad and I've grown weary of weeping for the only one I love.
But then I know I never will see him until we meet in Heaven above.
Bury me beneath yon weeping willow
Oh, beneath the weeping willow tree.
Then when he knows I've died and am sleeping
Maybe then he'll think of me.
They told me that he did not love me
But I thought that could never be.
Until an angel softly whispered,
Now, he has never loved thee.
Bury me beneath the willow
'Neath yon weeping willow tree.
And when he knows that I am weeping
Maybe then he'll think of me.
Tomorrow was our wedding day
But can you tell me where is he?
He's gone away, he courts another
And weeping here alone he has left me.
Then bury me beneath the willow
'Neath the weeping willow tree.
And when he knows I am sleeping
Maybe then he'll think of me.
Put on my grave a snow white lily
And on my headstone a turtledove.
Then when a stranger passes by me
He'll know I died of love.
While I am sleeping 'neath the willow
'Neath the weeping willow tree
I wonder if my love will ever, ever think of me.