Alpha Riff & MZ feat. Nyte & Zilla Persona flight to the gates of fire wall

And fly…
And fly, it's the flight of our lives
It's the flight of all time
It's the flight of our night
And fly like you have to prove
You can fly like death's after you
Fly like life leaves you
Fly cause demons are your proof
Flight from the city
Just demons around
Overrun the town
Watch buildings fall down
All my friends are dead
In Code they drowned
Killed without a sound
My feet hit the ground
MZ, we on the run for awhile
The last of the proud
Reversal astounds
Madness is ours
Just a pair of storm clouds
Wanna get outta OZ
Shit hit the fan, got the bag at odds
We Fire Wall bound
Gun at the ready
It's Proxy's home now
Rev the engines
For late decisions
Crush concerete
Pedal to the metal
Mental signal
It's subliminal
Curse the millions
Stuck under this pavilion
Watch it break billions in a sickening way
Anti scheming, crawling out of DMZ to have his say
We've got incoming, need to do something
Scanners reading Code but the visuals say nothing
Skies dark behind us, demons crawling all over
Now there's a Crimelord to fight, better duck and cover
You're right, I'm definitely reading B. Net headed this way
He's sprouted wings and an attitude that's ready to slay
Here he comes!
B. Net:
Meet your end.
Gun it, MZ, I've got enough shots to keep this motherfucker busy
Watch him try to take out the pro team of you and me
Break his back with your nano tech assembly
Fire off a couple rounds, he has no prayers to be
And I pledge to thee, it's no chance that he
Will overpower just what we have
Fight the Code like he's some fucking street rat
Seamless hunt, now we meet, call me Anti's heat half
Ah shit, my guns aren't doing anything. Can you augment them?
Done. He's gaining, Alpha. I don't know if I can outrun him.
B. Net:
Hahaha. Poor little Alpha. She can't save you now.
I can unleash a wave. That'll buy us time.
Do it!
B. Net:
You gotta be kiddin me/ you'll willingly/
Steppin in this hive of villainy/ It's killer B
Net/ everything I do brings terror
You try to catch me/ you get a 4-0-4 error
Built this from the ground up/ wrote the code
Ain't another like me/ I broke the mold
Know the whole game/ but it makes sense when
I went from being a henchman to a linchpin
Now I'm a crimelord/ raid boss status
Nearly the baddest with any technological apparatus
I know your framework/ when your gate's released
You'll get a bigger Trojan horse than in ancient Greece
Think you fly on the web/ I'm a scary spider
Supplier/ to your worst nightmare provider
Down with ANTI since this program released
Now witness the power the the CODE/ unleashed
MZ, we only got one chance to defeat
I'll hold him off till you're ready to release
Pent up energy in a blast to please
Decimate and destroy this ravenous beast
Duck, dodge, flip this cycle in the air
Spin, rotate, draw guns with a flair
Take my shots his too armor's thick there
There and there and there
There and there and there
Nearly impenetrable from everything I'm doing
Nothing seems to slow him, the beast keeps on growing
Adjusting to the ammo that I am always throwing
Military grade with a plan that's unfolding
The legs kick in and I'm running down the highway
MZ's silent, ride in auto pilot
B. Net beside it
Leap at and off him, MZ clicks to fry it
Alpha, I'm fully charged! If you're going to do it, you need to do it NOW!
B. Net:
You will NOT escape me!
B. Net:
Did that do it? Did we get him? Is he gone?
Yes… argh…
MZ… MZ, what's the matter?
… he… infected me…