Altamira Banda Show antologia de caricias

Like a sweet melody that night
Your name penetrated my senses
And it got so deep inside
So deep inside that that's why I couldn't get out
I got high © as if it were an act
Of magic in a colorful space
Imaginary located between
The desire of my longings and the red
Moistened by your warm lips
That night I discovered my emotions
Under your spell and your exciting moans that
Dazzled by those sensations
From loving so much I almost see you in every sentence
We are going to make an anthology of caresses from now on
We had the scoop on the best of the first night of love
We are going to make an anthology of caresses from now on
In request of the best acts of love that
Sweetens our lives, still
I keep in my modesty the pain of the first time
A pain that tasted like honey and a
Skin that invites come, come, sweeten me again