Aly Tadros sweet on me

Sweet on me
Say that you're sweet on me
And I will fall like an avalanche
On your living room tree
Honey I'm reveling
see this cupboards been empty
And you've got something to eat.
Like a fine glass of wine
You came straight from the vine
And colored me drunker
Than the fourth of July
Whittle my ticket
And give us a ride
You play the dart
And I will be
Your prize
Sweet on me
Say that you're sweet on me
And I will fall like an avalanche
To your cold bare feet
Mid-morning kisses
Your locks on my lashes
I don't want to miss out this time
Signs and near-misses,
My rose colored glasses
I'm closing my grins with a deep, long sigh
Say that you're sweet on me
and I will fall like an avalanche
Fall like a fawn at your feet
My honey I am reveling
Clear the cobwebs and cola
You know that you've got what
I need