Among the Torrent sons of the serpent

Created in my own image
Arise, the Sons of the Serpent
I gave you the breathe of life
A breath of humanity
With the gift of spirit and intelligence
A creature of divinity
I hold you eternity
And with the gift of life
You abandoned your creator
And now your world will
Know my anger
By my own creation
By the Sons of the Serpent
Let us make them who shall
Nourish and sustain us
Or shall we go to be evoked
To be remembered here in earth
Created in my own image
Arise, the Ada-mic Race
And prove with ignorance
This new creature shall venerate us
Obey, nourish and sustain
Obey us
Nourish us
Sustain us
Come back to your maker
Return to your master
They will suffer the consequences