An Cafe daybreak

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Shizukani suggested asa mo tsukareta Hashiri tsukareta Nemuri tarinai mama
Yagate akaruku Hoshi mo kieteku Fuan o daite boku o nokoshite
Nantonaku mita sora mo Kimi to mita sora to chigau
Keshiki wa ano koro to kawaranu mama tomatteru
Omoi ga kazoerenai namida o nagasaseta Kedo kimi wa kaeranai
Hontou ni hoshiino wa omoide janaku Kimi ga iru sore dake dayo
Album mekuri Kisetsu mo meguri Yoake no tobira mada omoi mama
Osoroi de katta omocha no yubiwa Suterenai mama hikidashi no oku
Ano toki no basho niwa modoru koto wa m dekinai
/>Konnanimo tsurai nara Isso deawanakattara
Yabureta yakusoku o hitotsu hitotsu atsumetemo kanau koto wa nai
Isshodayo nante kotoba o shinjiteta ano koro no boku wa inai
Omoi ga kazoerenai namida o nagasaseta
Isshodayo nante kotoba o shinjiteta ano koro no boku wa inai kizu wa ierukana?
I'm tired of mornings that quietly pass on by Tired of running without enough sleep
Eventually day break will come, stars disappear, leaving me still anxious
I glanced up at the sky but it was different from the one I gazed with you
The scenery is the same, remaining at a standstill
My feelings for you made me shed countless tears, but you wonât return
What I really want arenât memories, I just want you near
Sifting through photo albums, season change Daybreakâs door still remains heavy
Unable to throw out, in the back of my drawer, is the matching toy ring we brought together
Weâll never make it back to that time, that place
I wish I never met you if I knew it was going to hurt so bad
Collecting broken promises one by one wonât make them come true
The guy who used to believe your words of being together is no more
My feelings for you made me shed countless tears, but you wonât return
What I really want arenât memories
Collecting broken promises one by one wonât make them come true
The guy who used to believe your words of being together is no more
Wanna forget Canât forget I mourn
Will my wounds heal if I laugh it all off?