And There Will Be Blood the sun

Power, heat, light.
Yellow star in the Milky Way.
Center of all life.
Binding mother in the universe.
Gravity is her love.
No hope is left when she's gone,
Please stay, oh rising sun.
The vast void will be your coffin.
The vast void will suck
The life off out our shells.
A gone astray wanderer
Passing through the thicket.
Uninked days and starless nights
Will chaperon this hollow mind.
When moon and sun lost shine,
Life crawls into a hole.
So hail the sun.
It is the one that gives us life.
All hail the sun.
True power at the heaven's tent.
All hail the Sun.
Oh, can you see her very own majesty?
From dawn to dusk,
She shepherds us.
Our hollow minds
And our lost souls.
We are doomed,
We are lost minds.
So hail the sun.
It is the one that gives us life.
All hail the sun.
True power at the heaven's tent.
All hail the sun.
So hail the sun.
It is the one that gives us life.
All hail the sun.
True power at the heaven's tent.