ANDREA BOCELLI sara settembre

A wind blows that
It tells me about you
It tells me go...
Return to her...
All your anxieties
It will leave you.. .
When you feel
His hands seeking yours...
Love is a journey within us
You can say where you will arrive
And this is how the wind pushes me...
You won't lose me
I will find you again...
And it will already be September...
Remains the dream that never dies
Beyond the trees
And your silence that I listened to
Someone will look for me
it will only be you
Only you
Ne I'm sure you know...
You will come, and you will discover why
I can only love you...
Today I am here
At high tide, I am looking for you.. .
You are part of me
Like a soul
Inside my soul
Like an almighty
That one day I touched,
and will return
To quench my heart
And it will amaze you how I will do it
Chasing only the wind...
I will not lose myself
And I will find you again ...
And it will now be September
The dream that never dies remains
Beyond the trees
And your silence that I listened to
Someone will look for me
/>it will only be you
Only you
I'm sure you know...
You will come, and you will discover why
I can only love you...
I won't get lost
And I will find you again...
And it will now be September
The dream that remains,
the dream that never dies
Beyond the trees
And your silence that I listened to
Someone will look for me
it will be none other than you
Only you
I'm sure you know...
You will come, and you will discover why
I can only love you...