Andrew Lloyd Webber ensayo general de anibal

Spoken: 'It's a mean and stormy night
The moors are bleak and bloody.
Thunder claps! Lightning Strikes!
The fair Clarissa, her clothes in disarray,
races across the wild coastal heath-'
Now she stops!
Now she runs!
Will she escape?
Will she be caught?
Spoken: With bold determination,
the villainous aristocrat Braxton Prendergast, lurches for her-
There's no escape.
She's but a child.
And yet she turns to fight
With eyes ablaze!
This noble girl meets his gaze,
She will not be defiled!
Clarissa/ Jo
Spoken: Keep away from me you wretch!
Braxton/ Jo
Spoken: I cannot keep away. Your beauty
draws me. Your passion ignites me.
I've got to hold you.
I defy you!
Got to have you.
Let me by you!
Come close-
Don't come too close-
Come close-
Don't come too close-
Braxton/ Clarissa
So close, so close to me.
Spoken: I'll have her. And the mother too.
Spoken: And at that moment, Rodrigo appears in magnificent splendor!
Rodrigo/ Jo
Spoken: Unhand that woman, villain!
Spoken: Who are you?
Rodrigo/ Jo
I am your destiny,
Your bitterest foe.
You stole what was rightly mine
Ten long years ago.
You left me cold, alone and forgotten,
Now I'm back to settlet he score-!
Professor Bhaer
Spoken: Miss March!