Anesthesia apothecary armchair

Apothecary Armchair
Watching a snowflake
Fall on a jet stream
On my island, on my island
Solitude my companion
In this room full of strangers
On my island
Waiting for you to visit
To release me
From my island, my island
Your smile breaks the silence
And I work to catch my breath
Apothecary armchair
Your beauty is more than
The day I first met you
So nice to see you
Who am I to be
When this breath ends
On my island, my island
Rivers run dry
Quaint & ----
On my island, on my island
Waiting for you to visit
To release me
From my island, my island
Memories made from you
Wave goodbye behind them
So nice to see them go
You unveil the unknown
As I pass on in
The apothecary armchair