Angelo Branduardi il trattato dei miracoli

Villa was a child and was mute,
He devoted himself to Francesco and woke up singing.
The young Mancino was on the verge of death,
He called Francesco's name and was healed.
The beggar Bartolomeo
He had fallen asleep in the shade of a walnut tree,
when he woke up and could no longer walk,
by the grace of Francesco he was healed.
The poor Sibilla was blind and sad,
Bonomo of Fano was a leper,
the beautiful Ubertina suffered from perishable illness,
in the name of Francesco they were healed.
And in Foligno the good Nicolò,
Torn by the pain he could no longer bear, he devoted himself to Francesco and with his legs and with a contented heart he returned home. A child in Capua fell into the river He returned to life after he was already dead.
A young man from Sessa was hit by a wall
But Francesco woke him up before dawn.
Maria from Gagliano who was thirsty
/>He found a source that was prodigious.
A woman from Narni who was possessed
In the sign of the cross she was liberated.
Gualtiero dâArezzo burned with fevers
To Francesco he made a vow and was healed.
And he had a son Giuliana
Who was consumed with melancholy.
In the land of Spain in San Facondo
A large cherry tree had dried up,
/>the people of the town entrusted it to Francesco
and, when it flourished, it amazed the world in Spring.