Anna Oxa scene vere

(F.Berlincioni - G.Belleno)
No one hears
the voice that pleads
in the darkness of an alley
where the shadow becomes an invitation
two hands violent
her breath panting
on the marks of a bruise
that her dress isn't enough to cover it
she pretends nothing happened
the big city
not even she regrets
all the people who look at her and who go
any courage
remains dormant
not even a shiver anymore
indifference has never reacted
no one coming down
no pity
someone limits themselves
to cursing this reality of ours.
Real scenes at every corner
real scenes between us
real scenes that then they remain
closed inside us.
There are also those who are lost
those who cheat themselves
pull up to a car
and ask for money saying that he has stopped
he has glass eyes
a disjointed heart
now unfixable
and if you speak he says yes by reflex
he is missing teeth
he is missing a age
and the most serious thing is that
he lacks the sense of his dignity.
Real scenes at every corner
real scenes between us
real scenes which then they remain
closed inside us.
Sorrows, mistakes, the problem of children and incivility 
violence, noise, the absence of love, bestiality.
What do you want it to be? our will 
heavy shadows on our freedom