Annabel (lee) acquiescence

Was the strangest sound, coming from the current
A subtle whispering over waves, as I heard it, coming closer
Approaching the shore with the aid of the wind
it seemed to willingly travel in my direction
But I would not surrender, not give in
As the whisper took form, a voice, neither woman nor man, spoke only to me
while the seagulls watched helplessly, restlessly
And I attempted to turn away
Ignore the call I'd say to anyone who'd listen
But the voice was calling ME
I was the chosen one
And so, not obliged, the sand and the moon and the creatures of the sea
just me, just me…Annabel (lee)
And I surrendered, yes
for I had no choice…the air was cold and I needed shelter
A haven from the bitter world
I could not suffer in this world
Who wants to suffer in this world?
So that strange sound was not a stranger at all
but the voice of a friend helping another in need and I took heed
and followed close behind as it returned towards the current
And when slumber approached, I was finally laid to rest on the ocean's floor
and I slept ever so peacefully
(Goodnight, goodnight, Edgar…)