Apulanta paska meininki ss hihassa

Clouds are gathering
Above the horizon
Lightning is waiting
The right moment
Peace is ending
Under the war flag
The boiler drum is beating
Plan for tomorrow
ÃÂ˄lä come over
I won't drink your poison
Ãä say so
Don't you remember what we agreed on yesterday
Hey hey, I should put it on the shelf
Shit mood
Strength before purpose
Before stämminkii
Men of long standing know the job for sure
They know Where the winds blow
And they have it up their sleeve
Rock'n'roll hell
The soul was torn apart
Anger fixes everything
Who you I'm not a slave
I've seen how
My friend squats
The moment when he learns
Who decides
br/>ÃÂlä come over
I won't drink your poison
élä say so
Don't you remember what we agreed on yesterday
Hey, I should put it on the shelf ¤Ã¤
Bad mood
Strength before purpose
Before stämminkii
Men with a long line know things for sure
They know where the winds blow
And they have it up their sleeves