Arckanum svinna

You return only to life and death
You live and die
You live in the mists of mystery
Besiegement yvir marder
You withdraw and find yourself
breathless winds howl through the trees
from comely whispers echoes
melted from the interior of marts
darkness fills the open surfaces of the moss
the light of the lights is happening r stronger lines
through one weakness ok obscure veil of mist
the trul stumps stare vigilantly out over the lake syncrez
forest people wander around um ir sky ir þ¦ moss-filled
the grass
mostly the thystner marter's life
the diuren turns sharper on its pointed ears at
þæræræn grow ok m¦ þ et sprang sva swinner þem
in ir marders diupa vra
ener sometimes. thyster sum døþer resting young yvir
marders ground
dull thuds spread yvir þæen moss-filled ground
grimtandhe smar prat ok gloveskrat ekiar qvalmilt franklet
bà ¦rghatrulen
iagh. mined. silent. life fades