Art Paul Schlosser red hat blues

Employees: who working under projects those called as employees.
Ex: all labors, electricians. Plumbers, masons, steel fixers etc.
Employer: employers are responsible persons for employees and all employees working under controlling of employers.
Ex: directors, engineers, managers, clients, contractors, officers etc….
Responsibilities of EMPLOYER:
1.All employers shall be follow HSE rules and regulations.
2.They should know what and which type of activity is performing by labors.
3.They should provide proper trainings to all workers regarding safety.
4.Employers provide adequate P.P.E's to all labors depending on the nature of work.
5.After providing of training and PPE's employers shall be make a survey and observe all labors whether they following safety rules or not.
6.The major responsibility of employer is they must arrange training sessions for employees who not following safety rules and who did not understand safety rules and regulations.
Responsibility of EMPLOYEES:
1.All employees shall be follow HSE rules and regulations.
2.They should know what and which type of activity they are going to perform.
3.They receive proper trainings from their employers regarding activities.
4.They should receive proper PPE's from their employers.
5.They should use proper PPE's whenever performing jobs and if they found any damages immediately replace with new from their employers.
6.If employees do not understand about any activity, must ask their supervisors or safety officers.
7.Employees do not panic to ask employers regarding safety rules and regulations.