Artaius over the edge

Below the ice, above the snow
From Ynys Pryden we departed
To search Divinity and to know
Who we were when all was started;
Night and day now are confused
In smokes and fate’s fogs,
The Drakkar fights in the sea and proceeded
For the deep dens of the Lords’s dogs.
We are men, we are Gods,
We don’t need to serve the Lord:
Over the Edge we’ll go again,
Over the Edge we’ll live again.
But now is strange, we feel a presence
In the seas and someone’s fear
That what we do, it isn’t clear
And our left has a baleful influence.
But over the Edge we are free and alone
By God that wants our life and blood,
Free from this small and pathetic world
That needs someone to dictate law.
We are men, we are Gods,
we don’t need to serve the Lords:
over the Edge we’ll go again,
over the Edge we’ll live again.
And now we see the edge at last,
We will know who created the past
And this fateful future that we have,
Will not weak our heart.
With our swords we’ll brave the power
With our shields we’ll execute the liars,
With our hearts we’ll live after gate
With our souls we’ll create our fate.
We are men, we are Gods,
we don’t need to serve the Lord:
over the Edge we’ll go again,
over the Edge we’ll live again.