Arthur Alligood darkness to light

I’m waiting for the morning
Waiting in the night
When that sun comes over the mountain
She gonna turn this darkness to light
Now its been a long throw
since we first took to this soil
We found an itch to scratch real quick
and called it war
All this fighting it ain’t nothing, but
a symptom of our sickness
and we still ain’t found a cure
We keep walking down that same path
that worn out, crooked way
Stepping over all of history’s little tracks
Falling it don’t come first
pride will push you to the edge
and once you start falling
can you ever go back?
How do we answer our children
when they wonder what went wrong?
Do we scratch our heads and tell them
no one know really knows why?
Do we go back to a garden, a perfect little world
to two lovers who couldn’t keep it right?