Articolo 31 sono fuori

I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes... ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen...
...I'm out, I'm , I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes... tomatoes ... I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen...
Ladies, gentlemen, I'm out, here's the I said, I admit it, a fact, I accept it, and it took time to realize it, even if it's clear now that I think about it, I was that guy who sat at the back of the school bus and didn't speak much, who in the photo came out of focus, who never said bah! for a bad grade. I was out of the football team, I was out of the girl's party, when there was religion I was out, I was out of the list of the best.
And if you try maybe you remember, even if unlikely because I was invisible, considered useless, but I was already getting used to it, I looked at the other children and then I thought...
...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes...tomatoes ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a flowerpot, ladies and gentlemen... ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes... tomatoes ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a flowerpot , ladies and gentlemen...
I was the one in high school who would wait for you outside if you annoyed him, people would fight to get into a Monclair or a Schott, I wore a walkman that only played hip hop , and I know you called me tarro, proud of your El Charro, you sang your "Happy Days" together with the "Wild Boys". But since the boom of the '80s I was out, eight years ago a few roses and flowers for me outside the paninari, patches on clothes but not Naj Oleari, dads on redundancy pay, mom working overtime, hysterical adolescence. And my thoughts got confused, A Clockwork Orange inside my head, for me it was shit, for others "... here's the party?...", and I tried to get inside but I never got the term integrated understood and standardized, I never accepted it so I was still pushed out, pushed only by my instinct, looking for a different color from the one they had painted me with, in the street like garbage, of the rule I was always the exception, outside not by choice but by condition, on my side perhaps not even reason, but reason is given to fools and you had it and a phrase was running in my head like a loop
I'm out, I'm out, I'm out like the farmers when they pick tomatoes...tomatoes...they're out, they're, they're out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen...let's get down while we're out...let's get down while we're out
Now I'm making money with my voice, I drink beer, I play trumpets because I like it, and now whoever wants to let me in first talks to my manager, and then he has to pay, shut up, don't say a word if the high rate, the warm people, get excited, with the funky spaghetti let's liven up a party until dawn, give me cash even if I was the cheap item, time changes now you are my client, and if I was outside the conservatory now I'm on radio and video, in the disco, inside the erotic dreams of your girlfriend , and again
I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes... tomatoes ... I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen... ... I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes... tomatoes ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen... ...I'm out, I'm, I'm out like farmers when they pick tomatoes...tomatoes...they are out, they are, they are out like a vase of flowers, ladies and gentlemen