Astronautalis brighton damn park

Tell me again about the night you lost it all
About the whipping wind [?]
Tell me again about the night it fell apart
[Down?] in Brighton Park
Tell me again and take me
[?] guide me through the leaves and falling [?]
Tell me again about the night you lost it all
[Down?] in Brighton Park
See ivy winding slightly up the blackened brick of Brighton
Damn, it's silently reminding me how tight I grip your tiny hand
It's funny finally now that I can [?] and understand
[?] slipped me back into the comfort of older circumstance
Still sneaky little holes that spread to show your skin
Through broken [?]
Familiar fingertips that tap the time to history's hopeless dance
And everyone's enamoured by the drunken drifters funny tape
But no-one knows the [?] when the levy breaks
And I can't find my way home
Find my way home without you
She told me everyone's a critic getting caught up in their feelings
Newscasters snapping under all the lights [?]
Cameras click and film an up and empty desk and hollow breathing
As news becomes the news, tune in at ten p.m. this evening
She's such a funny way of getting across the way that she's been thinking
Lost her brain's a [?] I don't wanna solve so lets just sit and talk
Im sorry, darling" she says "You know Ill never play that part
She kisses me goodbye and leaves my by the reservoir
And I would never see [?] anything but being scorned
As the pine needles drop in perfect patterns on the forest floor
But trudging home in Autumn glum, the crunching leaves they sing a song
You knew what you'd get into when you wandered off this far
Knew what you'd get into when you wandered off this far
You knew what you'd get into when you wandered off this far
You knew what you'd get into when you wandered off this far
You know who you are
And I can't find my way home
Find my way home without you