Athena palavra

I broke up with my girlfriend again yesterday for no reason.
Yalan wrong?? There are relationships, emotionless lovemaking
Don't laugh at me, how wrong is it? Even though I am
Everyone is in denial, the facts are obvious
No matter what you do, it's bullshit? It's bullshit, it's nice?
Don't worry too much, it's bullshit, it's always bullshit
Nonsense love songs used to be old, they've become moldy
Now they won't deceive you anymore, but fake kiss me
Whatever you do do it? It's bullshit, it's nice?
Don't worry too much, it's bullshit, it's all bullshit
It can't happen without making fun of it, it can't be lived otherwise
Never mind, it should be laughed at, life can't start 1000 times