Authors structures

Unflawed equilibrium. Unfathomed complexity,
at the core of our beings,
in this wide expanse of existence.
Lost in this vastness, I can’t find my purpose.
Swallowed in vastness, losing sight of the constant earth below.
Drifting away, I’m desperate for a tether to my soul.
How could I ever forget? You laid the way from my birth to my death.
Disheartened, I’ve wandered this path,
and I’ve grown weary again and again.
But I won’t relent.
My life’s been etched on a divine canvas.
Our vitals rely on the perfect balance that was set into place by perfect hands.
This wide expanse of existene could not be without these intricacies.
Tell me, was this all by chance?
Help me to escape my sheltered self-
I need to see this encompassing beauty.