Average Mammals life under the influence

Get me drunk and show me your beautiful side
Just close your gorgeous eyes
Lay here with me
Let me pretend to be, happy
The world is partying tonight
Must be the only one, not having fun
I asked for a sign, it's here it's mine
It lights the sky and it leads me home
To bed, to sleep
Oh echoes, echoes, echoes, echoes, echoes in the distance
oh, the set is reminiscent of that movie starring that one guy
Oh, What's his name?
Oh fuckin great, I'm too drunk to remember
Something, something, something, something
Well, it can only get better
From here
And you, yeah, you're such a fuckin slut
Well, I wish I could be like that but,
I can't pull it off like you do
Preoccupied with, oh, this underage addiction
I'm too young to fall in love
Choose your meaning
I don't care, I'm leaving
Goodbye and goodnight
Call me when you get a chance.
I'll be sittin here going through the motions
Recapping every word
Each line gets more absurd and mis-strewn
the more that I rephrase it
Like, why the fuck did I say that?
Or do that shit, I'm so stupid
I'll Down this drink and I'm out
Hug me like we're going out
God, could you tell me how this ends
Because you've known all along before it even began
So could you help me out
I'd appreciate it now
With lots of love,
Your lost son