Aviyn red shield

What was it that happened in the hearts of men, to turn them so evil? So strange they call this humanity,
Do you see humanity? In this are you free or are you bound?
The money we need is just a form of slavery.. Can't we see past our eyes, past our fucking hands
Were being played by the best cons in the game.. without the pawns the others pieces are useless
Vulnerable ,without the wall we create, while they plan and scheme behind their fucking doors.
Who took our ability to see the truth is being covered up, we've made it to fucking paradise.
It's all around, It's in the air we breathe open your eyes and see it for yourself, it's a fucking lie.
The need to die, to see the streets of gold when they are under your feet.
Stop Waiting for a hero to save us, the powers inside of ourselves. It's time we take back our freedom.
It's time to be true to ourselves, unity the only thing that will save us. We will create paradise, together we
will make it have faith and just open your eyes.
They say that money is the root of all that's evil, created the seed and put in motion the plan to capitalize off
our brother. The very blood and sweat of our brothers. Why are we as a whole totally asleep to the truth?
Curse the hydra but not the body of the beast, crying for answers..we know the truth.
Let's take it back.