Axelle Red toujours moi

Axelle Red
Always Me
There are days like this
where nothing is going well
where you have the impression
l 'the world is against you
you don't understand
It starts with something
It quickly takes on a magnitude
that scares you
br/>scares you
And all this time
you wonder
why me
had to let it fall on me
you would have sworn
that this could never happen to you
You slow down your pace
you cross your fingers
you take a deep breath
and hope we'll stay there
but it doesn't work
You slowly start to get angry
you pinch yourself, check
am I dreaming
but you're not dreaming
But god why
it's always me
call you heaven
he doesn't answer
And why, always me
And all this time
you wonder
why me
it had to fall on me
you would have sworn
that this could never happen to you
I must have done something in the past
that made
that there are days like this
where nothing is going well
where you have the impression
that you are being played with
and why, why
At first it was
nothing alarming
but since then it's no longer
at all funny
even embarrassing
If you told it
we wouldn't believe you
it would be like you
went gaga
And yet they exist
these days are here
where you fight against everything
but against what
you don't know
still not
But god why
it's always me
br/>I call the sky
you don't answer
God why
it's always me
I call the sky
answer me
br/>If I deserved it
I will go to confession
I promise
If I deserved it
I will go to the priest
I promise
If I deserve it
I will go to the mosque
I promise
If I have it merit
the synagogue ok
whatever you want
God why...
just look down
at least for once
be nice
don't leave me standing there
tell me
where your cameras are hiding