Axis Of wetsuit live at the haunt brighton

Murmurings that tell,
from here to the spade mill,
of tragedies; the Earls,
petrol stations,
the flintlocks. Believe.
You're in danger with every stroke.
You're in danger and I'm complicit.
Limestone gleams tonight
I got this one last flare.
I see you shoot it off - Remember? Remember?
Leopold forgot that place,
the magazine clippings all over the place.
We checked in two wetsuits and got on a flight.
We were standing in the tide line the following night.
I lost your grip in that tidal zone
and now I'm standing on the headland alone.
You're in danger with every stroke.
You're in danger and I'm complicit.
Limestone gleams tonight
I got this one last flare.
I see you shoot it off
But there's no one there.
Placed where we got the fireworks from,
New Year's Eve in 2001.
Kid fathoms as the sulphur ignites.
Potassium can save a soul
but not tonight.
Not tonight.